Why Choose Mylio?

At Mylio, our mission is to change the way the world remembers.
Our sole purpose is to help you organize, enjoy, share, and protect your most precious photos, videos, and documents.

We take this quite seriously… and work every day
to protect what matters to you.

Truly different

While Mylio Photos has much in common with other photo library tools such as the ability to search, enhance, and share photos — it also offers unique benefits not available anywhere else.
  • Works with the storage you already own.
  • Efficiently manages the storage on or attached to your device.
  • Add a Mylio Photos+ membership to connect all of your devices into a single photo library.
  • Only offer cloud storage options.
  • Costs per month increase as your library grows in size over time.
  • There are no controls to limit syncing or restrict the upload of personal files.

Adobe Lightroom

  • Can work with cloud or local storage.
  • Local storage files are not associated with other devices and can only be accessed from one device.
  • Adding a local file to the cloud breaks any connection to edits made and you will have two different files.

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Grows With You

Mylio Photos is made for all experience levels. It’s easy to get started thanks to a giant library of videos, written tutorials, live help, and AI search with the Learn panel. Attend advanced webinars and explore our detailed product manual and active community to gain additional skills.

Mylio Photos

  • Mylio Photos works for all experience levels, offering tools you won’t outgrow as your needs evolve.
  • Tools like Adobe Lightroom are robust but are aimed at advanced users and can be challenging to learn.
  • Apple Photos and Google Photos are strictly designed for basic uses and lack compatibility with other applications.

More Than Digital Photography

The modern digital camera or smartphone has significantly impacted how we take pictures. We certainly capture more photos than ever before. But for most, there are still other photos that matter. Chances are you have printed photos and other items that are just as important in capturing an entire life story.

  • Only Mylio Photos is truly designed to work with scanned photos.
  • Easily convert scanned film and negatives to properly exposed photos with essential editing tools.
  • Conveniently add essential information like the date the photo shows, tag the people in it, and geolocations.
  • Add historical documents, scanned artwork, modern PDFs, and more.

What's the catch?

How can we offer so many of these fantastic tools for free?
Don’t worry. We won’t look at your photos, sell your data, or show ads. Ever.

We do offer a fantastic plan called Mylio Photos+, which offers a few powerful add-ons for your photo library:

Universal Library
Connect all your computers, tablets, and phones to a single photo library that works without the Cloud. Work anywhere, and Mylio Photos+ keeps everything perfectly synced.
Optimize your photos to fit up to 15x more pictures on your mobile devices. When needed, download your full-quality files on demand from your home computer.
Photo DeDupe
Scan your entire photo collection for duplicates. Clean up and merge unwanted files to recover precious hard drive space.
Mylio Vault Protection
Add a large hard drive and keep a backup copy of all your photos. Backups are fully automatic. Stop worrying about losing a device or catastrophic disk failure.
Shared Albums
With Shared Albums, Mylio Photos+ subscribers can share an album as an online gallery. Images are hosted on non-indexed web pages that make it easy to share semi-privately.
Mylio Photos

The fastest way to intelligentlly search and organize your photos

100% Free. Runs on a single device.
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Mylio Photos+

Let your memories
live longer

Unlimited photos, videos, and documents.
Just $9.99/month. Try risk-free for 30-days.

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