Mylio Photos
for FamilySearch

The easiest way to connect your photos and documents to your Family Tree
Mylio Photos makes it easy to manage your complete collection of photos, videos and documents that tell your family’s story. Mylio Photos is the perfect companion as you organize new or old family memories as well as heirloom documents.
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The easiest way to prepare and post memories to

Mylio Photos is the perfect helper for organizing your precious memories. With Mylio Photos, you can effortlessly manage all the photos on your device. Plus, it's simple to connect to your FamilySearch account to securely share Memories and sync data with your Family Tree.
  • Securely connect to your FamilySearch account and read data.
  • Enjoy using Mylio Photos for free on a single device to manage all your photos.
  • Organize, enrich, and enhance your photos as you build your family history.
  • Share Memories directly to your FamilySearch Gallery hassle-free.

Add rich details to FamilySearch Memories

It’s easy to enhance memories with Mylio Photos. Every image and document can have essential metadata and people details added to create connections for future generations.
Easily add extra details to any photo, video, or document.
Identify who is in the picture with face tags.
Add location information for where a photo was captured.
Add details about the date and event shown.
Add descriptive titles and captions.
Seamlessly transfer this information when you upload to FamilySearch.

Securely share your memories

Rest assured, all the details you add meet the standards set by the Family History Metadata Working Group. Plus when you share your memories on, the essential metadata will smoothly move along with them. Everything is kept private on your device until you share. It’s the perfect way to prepare your files for future generations.

Connect to the people in your life

People View in Mylio Photos is the easiest way to organize your image collection based on the individuals captured in each photo. Thanks to its face detection feature, you can easily locate pictures containing people, making it a simple to identify and tag your loved ones. Plus, with on-device face recognition, Mylio Photos can automatically find more photos in your collection, making the organization process much faster.
Import details about a person from your address book
Link family relationships
Link people with their FamilySearch ID
Easily share photos with the people in your pictures
Add important life events such as birthdays and anniversaries

Post your favorite memories
to FamilySearch.

Mylio Photos offers one-click publishing to your FamilySearch Memories gallery. Plus each person that you’ve tagged can be automatically linked to your FamilyTree. Details for all living people are kept private to you, but become discoverable to future generations.

Get Organized. Instantly.

Feeling hesitant to start because you're overwhelmed? Mylio Photos speeds up the organization process for you.
  • Quickly add existing folders or media from your device.
  • Opt to automatically organize files upon import by Year-Month-Day.
  • Effortlessly browse all your media By Date and many other handy tools.
  • Search images by what’s in them with zero work with our AI Smart Tags.

Create your family’s timeline

Easily add dates to scanned images and documents, whether it's a specific time stamp, date range, or general categories like "All Day," "Month, Year, Season," or “Undated."

Browse the LifeCalendar to view the life history of your entire collection or just a single person, providing a clear layout of their journey over time.


Quickly find any photo or document

Mylio Photos offers a cutting-edge search feature that quickly locates files in your photo library. As you use it, the app learns your common search habits and optimizes for them, resulting in the searches you care about the most getting faster the more you use them.


Privacy Matters


Quite simply… your photos are your photos. The pictures and documents and all their details belong to you.

All the AI tools in Mylio Photos are 100% private and run on your device without the need for the Internet or Cloud.

All the files are also directly stored only on your devices unless you choose otherwise.

Save your photos for generations

Mylio Photos transforms the process of sharing with into a delightful and seamless experience, enabling you to connect with your ancestors and enrich your family's historical narrative.
Get Mylio Photos Now



Organize a lifetime of memories.
Get Mylio Photos now for free.
